La riqueza está mal distribuida
Vídeo: La riqueza está mal distribuida
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Contrary to what you might think when you hear about Mexico, there is enormous wealth in the country, but the riches are far from equally distributed.
In this video a student of Economics tells about the country's economy and the Mexican, who for a number of years was the richest man in the world.
Vocabulario al capítulo
- Sustantivos
PIB - Producto Interno Bruto m
adquisición f
artesano m
bien m
caridad f
crecimiento m
disparidad f
empleo m -
impuesto m
ingreso m
oportunidad f
propiedad f
riqueza >< pobreza f
trabajo m
índice de desarrollo humano m
distribuir -
Adjetivos y otros
paraestatal >< privado
rico >< pobre
Large informal economical sector

One of the characteristics of the Mexican economy is that it has a large informal sector. On the one hand, this fuels a lot of private initiative, but at the same time people living off an income from the informal sector are extremely vulnerable, not only to international economical fluctuations, but also to underpayment and lack of social security.
The informal sector is quite visible on the street scene where you meet all kinds of merchants and can dine at one of the many Antojitos, hire a craftsman, or even get dramatic eyebrows made in the middle of the street.
How much did you understand?
1)México es un país pobre
México no es un país pobre, pero la riqueza está mal distribuida
2)Durante varios años el hombre más rico del mundo fue un mexicano.
El hombre más rico del mundo entre 2010 y 2013 se llama Carlos Slim y es dueño del grupo Carso
3)Hay un sector informal muy grande en México
4)No se pagan impuestos en México
En México se pagan más de 30 impuestos diferentes
5)Carlos Slim ha abierto un museo
Carlos Slim ha abierto un museo con su colección privada
Más sobre... Mexican economy

The webpage Cepalstat is a collection of statistics from a number of Latinamerican countries. Use the link to find out more about Mexican economics.
- Choose 'perfiles nacionales' and then Mexico.
- Search 'Económicos' and 'Sociales' for more informations about Mexican economy, living standards and inequality
NB: For information about the informal sector: see 'Sociales'
The diferent states of Mexico
If you need to compare the economics of the different states, you can use this website: Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía.
Click on the map to choose the state you're interested in.
For more about economics in ¿Culturas de México?...
- Mexico, NAFTA and the economical crisis in the nineties:
see the chapter on La Santa Muerte
- The challenges of street wendors and underpayment see the pages on the womens coop Mujeres Artesanas de Oaxaca