Mascs and Alebrijes: Arts and crafts from Oaxaca
Vídeo: Se hacen las cosas con amor
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When you have 14 kids quite an amount of food is needed on the table. Hear María Aurora tell what it was like to grow up in a large family of craftsmen where everyone had to help out. At the same time she displays crafts from the different cultures of the region.
Note: before watching the video, practice the glossary on the previous page.
Máscaras y tradiciones

La danza de los Tejorones
Tejorón is a Mixtecan word for 'a poorly dressed man'.
With this dance, the Native Mexicans made fun of the Spaniards. Now however, as you can tell from the photo, it is the Americans from the North who are the target of amusement.
Photo of dancers from a festival for Native Mexican cultures at La Basílica de Guadalupe, CDMX.

How much did you understand?
1)Rosa tiene 13 hermanos
2)Toda la familia de Rosa trabajan en madera
3)En Santa María Atzompa hacen máscaras tradicionales
4)Se usan máscaras en ‘La danza de los tejorones’
5)Tejorón significa ‘hombre mal vestido’ en mixteco
Más sobre...Alebrijes

Alebrijes are a kind of colorful dream or fantasy characters, originally created by the artist Pedro Linares in the 30s, since then they have now become part of Mexican folk art.
Each year, competitions and processions are made with alebrijes the size of statues.
See here: